Monday, March 21, 2016

Speech 2 Evaluation

Laurie Trinidad

Speech 2 Evaluation 
1. Conner's genera, "Interrogations tactics" used when interrogating a suspect. I liked his move, use of the folder, throwing it down on the table. A scare tactic used to scare the person they are interrogating. When he did this, it made his speech come a live. Made you feel like you were actually watching an interrogation.
2. Sarah genera, "Stand up Comedy" Her body language reeled me in. It kept my interest. Using her voice as a move. knowing when to raise her voice to draw a point. It was a good speech.

Start: By having a back up paper or cards with what I am going to say for a speech I will be saying. I feel the reason my speech did not go so well because, hours before my speech I received some bad news about a test I taken the week before. I study really hard for this test and felt I did well. When I got my test back that day of the speech, it was not good . I was devastated, and very upset. I cried for hours. I have to pass this class if I want to graduate, there was a lot on the line for this test. It put me in another state of mind. Everything I prepared for my speech went out the window. I was so flustered, I couldn't remember anything I was going to say. This just added on to more frustration and disappointment for me.
 Stop: Allowing myself to get to a point of being over whelmed and frustrated  that I cant bring myself back. Believe that when you are going to speak in front of a crowd or in a class that I put all other things a side and focus on the task that is right in front of me.

Continue: To remember, when something unexpectedly happens I need to take heed into letting myself fall so hard. Especially if there is something very important happening that day in class or at work. Not letting my emotions to run. I need to stop, regroup and keep going. Tell myself I can deal with this later. I will keep this in mind for my next speech. Be prepared for what can happened and remember to keep hold of my emotions. I will continue to do better and be confident in myself and how I present myself in front of a class. Reflect on my fellow peers on how well they did and use some of their strategies.

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