Laurie Trinidad
March 16,
Radical Speech
speech is about changing
tradition of men who ask women to marry. I purpose that women should be
the one
who ask men for marriage. I have plenty of evidence to prove gender
roles have
changed over the years and that old tradition of man asking a women to
should be abolished. In fact if a man dares to ask a women to marry, he
will be
fined and due time in jail. If a man moves in with a women after she has
him. Both knowing if he move in he is preparing for the next move and
that is marriage.
If a women ask him to get married, and he denies her hand in marriage.
He will
be on probation, and have to take mandatory classes on how to be a
person in a relationship. If he is caught cheating in his relationship,
she should be aloud to find him 500 dollars for ever women he has slept
with. I purpose this radical change will not only build tradition
of family hood but increase the percentage of couples that stay together
Laurie, your third speech was fabulous. Your slides were colorful and eye-catching. I could tell that you worked really hard on your third speech rough draft and I believe that all your preparing paid off. When you gave your third speech it was obvious that you were confidant. You knew what was on your slides without having to constantly be looking up at the screen. That confidence probably came due to all the preparing before hand. The concept that a woman should ask a man for her hand in marriage goes against social norms and for that reason it is a good radical pitch.