Sunday, January 31, 2016

Speech #1 - Draft

My pitch location is at Ralph Grocery store in their elevator. (I am talking to myself, Ice breaker) " I can't believe I am stuck in this elevator, the first time I decide to park in their basement, I get stuck. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm babbling. It looks like were both stuck. Hi Mike, my name is Laurie. Your the pantry chief for Maxi's restaurant. I use to work for Maxi's restaurant, but in Jazenton beach, Washington. I was their pantry chief. I was know for making the best souffles in town. The reason I'm bring this up is, because I had dinner at the restaurant you work at a couple of weeks ago and tried one of your souffles. I'm sorry to say, it wasn't the best souffle I've ever eaten. The reason I know it's you ,because I asked the waiter for the name of the pantry chief. He said, his name is Mike. I see your wearing a chiefs  uniform from Red Lion and  your name tag says Mike. What a chance we would be stuck together in the same elevator. No disrespect, but I like to share a technique from one chief to another. The key to making a perfect souffle is how you put the ingredients together. First,you put all your dry ingredients in a bowl and then use a hand sifter to mix everything well. I say this, because it tasted like the souffle was to salty from not being mixed good and flat because you over mix it.  I'm assuming you  mixed everything together in a mixer and that's why it didn't come out well. Okay, so next you separate your egg yokes from your egg whites and whip the egg whites in a cold bowl over ice cubes until they peek, like an alp mountain. Than you get your dry ingredients and fold it into the whipped egg whites slowly, a little at a time, don't over mix. Then, you want to butter and sugar your souffle cups before you fold  all your ingredients together. You want it so there ready to be filled and put right into the oven. Fill your souffle mix just under the brim and then put them in the oven. It is very important you cook them to the minute. Soon, as you hear the bell, pull them out slowly and Wallah!! you have a perfectly raised souffle with great taste. I hope you will consider what I told you and try what I shared with you.  No worries if you don't. So you know, I will be checking you out again. Oh, were moving. It was nice to meet you Mike have a great day.

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