Friday, January 29, 2016


 The first time I decide to park in the basement at Rahalps grocery store, I get stuck in their elevator. Hi, your one of the chief at Maxi's restaurant in Red Lions resort here in Santa Barbara. I worked for  Maxi's restaurant in Jantzen Beach, Washington, I was their Pantry Chief. I wanted say," I went to the Maxi's restaurant in town  and ordered a souffle and it was pretty flat and not very tasty. I had asked the waiter who made the souffle and they said his is name is Mike. I am assuming you are that mike because you have your Red Lion Chief uniform on and your name tag, reads Mike. No disrespect, I was known in Washington for making the tastiest and highest, rising souffles. I would like to share a technique one chief to another. A technique that guaranties a perfect souffle. The key is sifting your dry ingredients by hand and folding in your egg whites. It looked and tasted, like your mixing your ingredients in a mixing bowl along with your egg whites. I make with care and in a soft manner. You but all your dry ingredients in a bowl and sift them with a hand sifter. Separate your egg whites then  slowly add your dry ingredients while folding your eggs. You oil and sugar  your souffle dish. Then pour the mix just under the brim, timing is crucial.Cook it to the minute. Then Wallah !!!you have a two inches raised souffle. Mike, thanks for listening, I really hope you try this out.  Hey are elevators moving, yea !! I will be back to check out your souffle. I really hoped you found this info helpful. Have a good one.

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