Evaluation of Performance
Start; I was really nervous in the beginning of my speech. I felt I could of stopped, regrouped and then start my speech. The anticipation of saying the speech clouded my mind so I wasn't right on point from the beginning. I had memorized my speech, how I was going to integrate each step in preparing the souffle. But when I started talking about how to prepare the making of the souffle my mind started doubting what I was going to say. Instead, I went back to what I had wrote the first time. My ducks were not in a row. I made changes when I got there, I should of done that before and practiced it that way, so when it came to me to remember about what I wrote. I would of went back to what I had been practicing the days before that. Practicing in front of others in the beginning would of helped my performance in class. I thought to ask others to listen to my speech, but I was to embarrass, especially in front of my family.
Stop: I want to stop doubting myself, especially when I had practice and timed myself to the time allotted. I am really hoping my confidence will build up over time. I guess not knowing how people are going to react is part of the uneasiness. This assignment, my attention is supposed to be towards the person I am supposed to be speaking too. I did notice I was looking at the others students, as if to get there approval of how I was making my souffle. I know that none of them have every made a souffle. It being my first and all, I am not going to beat myself to bad. Ha,ha.
Continue: I want to continue on learning on how to be a better speaker. Find and learn new ways to improve my stance, positioning myself to whom I am directing my message too. Use jesters that help me to continue my flow of conversation.
Stop: I want to stop doubting myself, especially when I had practice and timed myself to the time allotted. I am really hoping my confidence will build up over time. I guess not knowing how people are going to react is part of the uneasiness. This assignment, my attention is supposed to be towards the person I am supposed to be speaking too. I did notice I was looking at the others students, as if to get there approval of how I was making my souffle. I know that none of them have every made a souffle. It being my first and all, I am not going to beat myself to bad. Ha,ha.
Continue: I want to continue on learning on how to be a better speaker. Find and learn new ways to improve my stance, positioning myself to whom I am directing my message too. Use jesters that help me to continue my flow of conversation.