Monday, May 2, 2016

Group Speech (Tar Off)

Laurie Trinidad
Group speech
 (Trinidad, Ben, Jesus, Castle, Daisy)

I have to say, they are a great group of people. I enjoyed all the time we spent together to get this right. Every person in our group contribute in some way to our presentation. To your question, what was everyone’s roles? Ben’s responsibility was setting up our Prezzie, and playing the Australian surfer, which I thought was funny as heck. Castle job was finding information and filming of people, along with asking how the tar had affected them personally. Her role as Tar Jenni, she fit the part perfect. Jesus was great and helping with information on tar and playing the jogger with a hoarse. That too was hilarious. Daisy with the film horror Tar video, and the tourist visiting from Seattle Washington, Assume! She did really well in telling them information about why it was important to buy our product to help our local community. I did some interviewing on the beach, I came up with the idea “Thank you Tar Jenni”, I said it, but it was Ben’s idea to say it after every part. It was my idea to play the roles to introduce Tar Off and I named the product. My role as a manager was my idea along with the name of my motel. “Shot gun Motel” POW, POW!  I also made the props for our wipes and Tar Bar.
To your other question to what our goal was .Our goal was to reach out to our local community and share information on what tar is and where it came from. To let the locals know it is a problem and we are willing to help. By selling a product that will take the tar off, as well, as giving some of our proceeds in helping our local wild life. We weren’t looking to expand or for buyers. We were looking for our local business to sell our product in their stores. Such as surf shops, motels, skate boards and any local store on the boulevard. I really think in all, we put our heads together and came up with all this information together. It is really hard to say who exactly said what. We put things on the board and decided everything together in how we were going to present this. I have to say, again this was great working with all this young talent. We really had fun with it.
As far as our hook we had some ideas, we had talked about it before class. Ben was out of the loop on these last ideas we had put together at the last minute. He couldn’t get out of class early, it’s not his fault. That’s why things started the way they did. I’m not putting Ben down. I’m just explaining why it was a little bumpy at first. We were going to go outside and each one of us come in after each skit. That’s why I went to the door and opened it up, I thought we were all going outside. But then Ben started on his skit so we just rolled with it. It worked out. I’m still happy with the way things played out.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Group speech 4#

Laurie Trinidad
Group Speech
Name of Product: Tar Off
Product: Tar Off bar and Tar Off wipes
Group Speech 4#
Name of Members in the group:
Daisy Carreon (her character is a tourist) Responsibility:  bring sand and pen to mark our self with looks of tar on us.
Ben Feldmann (his character is a surfer) Responsibility: our film editor
Jesus Terrazas (his character is a jogger) Responsibility: prompts such as stuffed hoarse.
Courtney Castle (her character is a genie in a bottle) Responsibility:  Video, prompts for genie and tourist.
Laurie Trinidad (I am a manager of a motel) Responsibility: In charge of prompts, packaged products with our logo.
Information about the product: The product we are selling is called “Tar Off” this product is meant to take off tar, tar that we get here at our local beaches and along the coast of California. Tar comes from oil that is pulled up from the ocean floor by oil wells. What happens, oil pipes will leak and sometimes break, which releases a thick black oil that coagulates and becomes a thick gooey substances. Tar will wash ashore and leave a residue on anything it touches. Tar, when it gets on you it is very hard to get off with regular soap. You need an oil substance that will loosen the tar and eventually come off. When tar gets on bathing suits, shorts, tops etc... It will probably leave a dark black spot when you wash it. Are product. “Tar Off bar” well clean the inside of a car as well as some rugs. It will clean the bottom of shoes and strong enough to clean the bottom of horses’ huffs. LOL.
Tar Off will come packaged as a hand wipe in a waterproof plastic paper. Our “Tar Off Trojan bar”, will come in as a large bar, so it easy to hold and scrub whatever you are cleaning. Such as bottom of shoes, bottom of hoarse huffs and rugs in the car as well as the rugs at home. 
Introductory: First talk about our product, what it is made for and what it is made of. We will talk about how tar affects our local beaches as well as the local people. We will all be playing a role of a person effect by the tar and introducing our product to them as well as our onlookers. We also have video that was done by us, asking people along the beaches to see how tar effects them. We plan to have a background picture of the beach along with a song from the Beach Boys, Surfing USA.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Reflection #3/ and classmates

Laurie Trinidad
Class mates / Reflection

1.      Jacob- Passion, is the word for Jacob’s speech. I felt his love and concern for the human race. He showed it in his eyes and his voice. The vibe of real concern for others and his tone really caught me. It lifted my heart and gave me hope for our future. Knowing there are people like him in the world. I would have liked to felt that way, when presenting my speech.

2.      Ling- Her mannerism along with confidence gave you the impression that she knew what she was talking about and that she was part of that culture and ideal. Her being from China, they are only allowed to have one child per family. Which gave the speech meaning and concern. Being in that environment and being exposed to it can open thoughts to how it should be, to how it can be if done. To a point you want to say to yourself, only have children you can take care of. Children are very expensive, if you want children, adopt children who need a home. Think about what you are doing for the sake of your livelihood as well as for our environment. 

3.      Ryan- Good topic, there was a lot of truth to what he was saying. Ryan really embarrasses his topics, I liked his last speech as well. I heard and seen the concern about his ideals of his speech. His body was looking forward, his chin is up, and his shoulders are pulled back. Like when a fighter gets into a ring, standing tall and strong. Ready to fight.

START: By utilizing the Comm. Lab all the time when preparing for my speech. Being in the lab, using the equipment to practice your speech really helps you to remember your lines and how to present your slides. I did not do that last time, I felt if I had done this, things would have went so much smoother than my last speech. Practicing with class mates, using the screen really gives you the feel of what it will be like when you are in front of your class mates presenting your speech.
 I had found some fellow class mates working on their presentation at the Comm. Lab. I was able to present my speech and ideas, along with important criticism which helped me. I found their knowledge and Ideas to be really helpful. I didn’t do that last time. I practiced at home by myself. Not in front of people or classmates. By me practicing over and over again, gave me the confidence that I needed. Knowing your stuff really takes a lot of pressure off you when you are about to present your speech. My confidence was much better, because the uses of Comm. Lab. and my fellow class mate’s opinions. My tone was okay, my knowledge of the information was presented with some hesitation.

 When I had first put it together, I had a lot of information on the screen for me to read off. When I changed it I forgot to mention things of importance that would have gave my speech more depth. Explaining what men were not doing in their relationships with women, why women were giving up hope to ever find someone to marry. Why women were going to Cyber sperm banks to get impregnated. All of this information would have helped my speech to be more realistic in some way, or made people stop and think about what I was saying. I did notice the men in the class room didn’t like my radical idea to much because it pertain to men, thoughts and ideas towards women and relationships. But to me, that was the idea. Shake them up a little bit, throw out the UN- thought, the idea of change for men as well as for women. To present what is not said or done in relationships, why people do what they do. We all are brain washed to act a certain way, as well as how we should look at things in our lives. Like with everything in our life we are taught how eat, sleep, think, and date. To have fear of the UN-known brings prejudice thoughts, to go against the grain brings change. We are creatures of habit. We have become too lazy to bring about change. We should welcome new ideas by having an open mind, to allow growth for a better tomorrow.

STOP:   Feeling like it is the end of the world when I am about to present my speech. I need to remember that I am here to learn as well as they are. They are not going to judge you for who you are by your speech. I did stop and made a change to how I practice my speech, by going to the lab. I stopped and took a deep breath before my speech. I did stop thinking so negative about myself and speech. I did stop and took criticism with welcome arms. Last time I felt I didn’t need any advice. This is the truth buy the way. I felt I stopped a lot of negative thinking and actions by making some positive changes. By this, it build my confidence and I felt more relaxed when I presented my speech.

CONTINUE:  to open my mind for changes. To continue to find new ways and ideas to present myself well in front of others. Continue to believe in myself in what I am doing. That my ideas are just as good as the next guy. Continue to believe in my fellow class mates, and that they make changes in the things they believe. That some of their ideas become real and they present them to the world. Boy, we need young minds to grow and brake traditions so we can heal ourselves as well as our environment. Go my fellow class mates, I am so proud to be in your class.